New Features Of Mod 2017

If you are a regular game, you can find a lot of snakes, having country flags as skins. You might not get them easily, and if you are looking for ways to replace your skin, with a country flag, you will have to use the mods. There is much mod on the internet but you should use the newest version of mod 2017.
The best part about the game is that, you can find a lot of mods, which can help you to do a number of tasks and activities. Similarly, if you are looking for ways to change your skin, and use a country flag skin as the replacement, you can do that, as well, and the steps are quite easy, as well. You can use any number of mod 2017, which can actually help you with the process of skin changing.
Using The Browser Store
If you are playing the game on a browser, which has its own store, you can take the advantage of the app store to use your own skins for the snake. You will have to search for mod, which can help you change the skins. Once you find such skin, you will have to install the same on your browser. Once the installation is complete, you can start the game, either by visiting the website or by clicking on a certain button, which will be available after installing the mod.
Changing Skin
Once you open the game, after installing the mod, you can find an option to change the skin to the downright corner of the skin. Once you click on that, you can see a number of categories, and once category will be country flags. One that category tab, you can find the flags of almost all the countries on the globe, and you can choose the flag of any country as your skin. You can also use a different skin, using mod 2017.
Features Of Mod 2017
- Country Flags Skins
- Team Logo Skins
- Create your Skins
- Mouse zoom in, zoom out control
- See your current X/Y Position
- Monitor your FPS
- See your Best Score
- Connect with your friends to same server
- Direct connect server list
- Auto Nick and Settings Saving
- Changer Your Background
- Game Graphic Mode (low/normal/optimized)
- Default Graphic Mode (Low/High)
- Selection Tags
- Skin Rotator Timer
- New Menu
Mod Extension (need Tampermonkey or others at bottom)
You must have [CLICK which one you want + if you don’t want chrome use second download button]
VirusTotal Scan: Mod 2017
i love game so much
great mod!