Cheats and Hints is a web based drawing game that uses the canvas tag. It features a number of accessories such as the pencil, eraser, line and the shape tools, color picker, flood fill, and undo tool. There are cheats and hacks to increase the chance to win the game for players. These are not the features offered by the game itself.
A Number Of Features To Choose From
Choose from a number of features in the cheats game. Watch as your beautiful drawings come to life in animation as you keep on sketching with the pen tool and then save the drawing for other people to guess the right word. cheats will help you to win the game with a number of strategies. The purpose of the game is to score a lot of points by guessing what the other players have drawn and then accumulating points. . In each round a word is given to a player and that player must draw the word that has been assigned. Both the players would get points in the game for drawing as well as guessing. After each guess, the amount of points gets smaller, until they reach the minimum amount of 1.
There are various kinds of colors in Garticio that will help you to play the game well. The green color will indicate that the player has already guessed the word. The blue color indicates that the player is still drawing the image and the black color indicates that the player has not guessed the right word. You can take the help of a number of cheat codes in order to win the game by guessing the word easily and not by reducing the points.
Play Game with Gartic Cheats
Draw and guess what people are drawing in the game. Despite the strange name, there is nothing peculiar in the game and the game is similar to the Pictionary game where you need to draw and the other player needs to guess the right word. You can even invite many friends or those of the same language, as public games can sometimes result in chats with non-English speaking, although the answers are always in English. The drawing system is really simple and cool and you can have more than just a pen tool as well as shape tools with which you can fill a number of colors. You cannot report other users for cheating in the game, unlike all the other io drawing games.