Answers is a fun multiplayer game that is almost similar to the Pictionary game. You would need to enter a room which is full of people who love to draw and have fun. You would need to try and guess what the other players are drawing. answers are important for the players because players want to get more points and win the game.
Playing for Answers is a fun multiplayer game that is almost similar to the Pictionary game. You would need to enter a room which is full of people who love to draw and have fun. You would need to try and guess what the other players are drawing. If you can guess the exact answers in the game then you would gain points. When your turn comes, you would be given a word and you would have to draw that word so that the other players can answer the questions. You have to do your best while drawing. It is not necessary to draw very intricately but it is important that the drawing is such that the opposite people understand the drawings. answers will help you to fetch points. If you enjoy drawing then you would love playing the game. This is a fun online drawing game where you would need to compete against the other players to guess the drawings and give the right answer and then you need to create your own beautiful drawings so that they can guess what you have drawn.
The Rules of Game
The rules of the game are very simple. You do not need to draw letters, or numbers, or symbols but you would only need to draw the drawing. One player would take his turn in drawing the game and the other players must guess the word correctly. This game not only tests your drawing skills but also helps you to gain patience and concentration. This is such an interesting game that you would love to play this game for hours and hours. You can draw anything ranging from a normal small ball to an animal.
Try and guess the right answers in order to win more points and go ahead of the other players. If you win more points you would be the winner on the leader board as well. This game is a simple game that is fun and interesting to play and if you want to spend some good time doodling, and then this is the ideal game for you.