Mod Extension SlitherePlus Version 4.0 is perhaps among the most minimal and most habit forming games online and on cell phone devices presently. Pursuing the course of the ever-so-trendy Agario, those who are yet to give the game a try must have heard your pals raving regarding the game. Such people require knowing several key facts about the game, which include the way of playing, tips & tricks being ahead of your rivals, and the place for finding the finest skins, extensions, and mods of the game if you require adding them.
This game is addictive and blends the archetypal game of snake with components from the trendy Agario cell phone and internet browser super hit. Here, you’re a snake and not a blob with the aim of becoming the greatest and lengthiest snake of the game. Commencing playing this game is very simple and you require going over to the site online or getting it downloaded on the iOS or Android device of yours. Nest is the selection of the user name. having had signed in you are going to land on top of a black colored board in the form of a minuscule colored worm.
You continue consuming all dots lying about for becoming a lengthier snake while keeping off additional snakes. This game is different from Agario in that the dimension of your snake in this game doesn’t present you with an advantage. The fact is that snakes of all sizes can take your life.
In this game, you can adopt several strategies for coming out as the winner. Among them are eating and keeping off greater snakes, wrapping about, and speeding/dashing. Then there is many a mod that you can make use of for having an edge over your rival players. They are available for download on various sites online with instructions on installing and using them.
- Zoom in, zoom out with Mouse
- Current Map X/Y Position
- FPS Counter
- Play with your friends server list
- Background Changer
- Glow Reducer
- Graphic Mode Selecter (High/Medium/Low)
- Create Your Party System
- Clan Tags System
- Connected Server System
- Shortcuts System
- Chatbox system
- [TAB] Toggle Hud
- [E] Previous Skin
- [R] Next skin
- [1-6] Keys other features
Mod Extension (need Tampermonkey or others at bottom)
You must have [CLICK which one you want + if you don’t want chrome use second download button]
VirusTotal Scan: Mods
me parese bien
Good hack
What a plerusae to find someone who thinks through the issues
Thanks really beneficial certainly share site with my buddies
if i download this mod maybe i wile play better
i like it but i can only use one skin
great job thx
Eu coloquei mods Desse Jogo
Ta legal
Das Perfekte super coole Spiel für zu Hause.Man kann mit anderen anline spielen und es einfach geniesen
Супер так намного лекче играть стало:)
етот мод мне очинь помог
Круто!!! Разраб молодец
awsome u love it so much this is the BEST!!
It is really good all six of my friends were playing together in a computer class with me!!
Awesome! Really helped me
it did work i can chat and everyone 🙂
it is really handsome i want to marry this game :)))
Zoom in and out, more skins, option to lower graphics to avoid lag. Its great!
Ich bin der König der slitherio
Kiitos auttoi minua voittaa kohdissa peliä
veľmi dobre^^
все функции работают хорошо спасибо
I can finally zoom out. Btw nice record mine is 12000
helpful in making the game easier to play
best mod ever thanks glad you got it
It’s awesome! I love that you can use the randomizer and that you can zoom in and out. I really find these hacks are really good. Now I can also play with my friends if they are in a different server.
its so good i have the hack the looking hack its so good!
it was lovely and helpful
Hi I love your mod but i have a problem wich was not occurring before, i installed v4.0 and i can’t change my skin trough the skin menu anymore. I still can change the original skins in menu but when i get on the custom skins it’s like it doesn’t save the skin it replace the saved custom skin with one of the originals. I can stil get my custom skins with E and R keys but i gotta do it everytime i die. Any clue how i can fix this?
Hello, fixed that skins in game we will try to find new one. Dont forget to look day to day