Mods v2.0 is a jungle war io game that includes building special farms. The aim of the players is to kill other players and building the most advanced farms. When you kill other players, you will gain some experience points to develop your skills. In addition, you need to collect some resources to improve yourself and fight with others easily. Today we will share mods with you that give some special skills compared to others. You can find features of mods to take advantage of enemies. You can download from the link and we will share the Google Chrome Web Store version coming soon! Mods Features
God Mode [You should select cookie at 2nd level]
Auto Aim
Auto Heal (Apple or cookie)
Detailed Minimap
Police Mod
Showing Enemies
Last Update: 5/10/2018 – Mods v4 was publised
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dude i want police
how do you get auto pilot to work?
Police mod works perfectly. I am police in the game 😀
not working ? working?
Do i need to click a button to activate auto heal? because i’ll have cookie and 500 food and i still get hurt, please help.
how works auto heal mode i reaally need it
i refresh it still the same
How to turn police mod on laptop?
SIEDHEB bendede oyle oldu.
muito bom
It doesnt work for me how do i know when its enabled and working?
me tooo
How do you activate Siren?
its to slow make it better
When i try to install this it takes me to the install grease monkey for Firefox page. (I’m on chrome with tamper monkey installed)
You should change your windows settings for downloading any scripts from firefox to chrome.
how work auto heal mode i install him but he dont work how
hi. its me again. I found out how the auto heal works. please could you tell me how police and god mode works and how to turnijt on. Also how do you get the descriptive minimap that shows enamies. thank you
Auto heal is working sometimes, i need to open and close settings!
how to select cookies when lv 2
cookies can select at lv 3
thank you very much!!
can i get some halp please!, in the site or script, greasy fork, the script has ben deleted, its that a problem whit my browser or its a problem of the mod?, please help, my mouse cant click for eat the food, so i cant play, i die whit 700 food anyway, i will desactive all hacks, i just want the autoheal and police
please help 🙁
We checked the link that is working without any problem.
i have downloaded tampermonkey for chrome and i downloaded the mod but it isnt running when i reload the game. it says the script is running but it doesnt change anything ab my game. any thoughts?
I think the mod was working while you were checking the script’s situation. So, you should press U to active mod and need to collect food to work without problem.
Please update it it doesn’t work
oh sorry i found 3.0 this is outdated
i installed but i do not have auto heal even after i had cookies and 500 food did everthing erased old mods still nothing.
The script of mods is working that is your problem with your browser. You should delete all extension on chrome. Then, install again.
Too many turrets/players can kill you anyway
Auto heal and police mod are working good
how to make the Mini Map work?
Mini map works automatically that shows water, glaciers and deserts.
God mode isn’t working. You can only get cookie on level 3 now. Any fixes?
All features are working until now 23.06.2017
i installed it didn’t work reinstalled it three times still nothing plz give me instructions or fix :<
We checked mods that is working perfect. Download again from
Please can you sort the auto food eat?
The whole thing now needs updating due to their update. We really appreciate your work on these mods, please can you update as soon as you can? mods updated! You can use now.
its patched i think mods updated after patch.
I was just playing moomoo with this mod, and nothing seemed to work. So i looked at the console in inspect element, and i found there was a couple of errors.
ERROR: Execution of script ‘MOOMOO.IO MOD HACK CHEAT GODMODE’ failed! uiElems is not defined
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
another error.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 503 (Service Unavailable: Back-end server is at capacity)
You need to disable other mods to avoid any error.
whered the free hats go?
plz update the mod for the new update
Could someone help? My auto hit works but nothing else. Could someone tell me how to enable god mode or anything else
EJ dajcie mi hacki na prosze
Thank you for free sharing
auto heal doesent work i dont spawn with 500 food help
It works now. You need to select cookie instead of apple to work auto heal.
Did you install tampermonkey properly?
i did it on chrome appstore thing
Please update it, they updated
u need to collect 500 food at the start
Yeah it dosent work to me too 🙁
auto heal works great but let me know how i can use police hat?
how to use the godmode
You need to select cookie instead of apple at 2nd level. Then, you will use godmode.
how do i use godmode please help
how do i use godmode please help can i use it by liek something or is it a error
Godmode is lovely xD
how you use godmode]
It works perfectly but i need to have better features to become a leader easily xD
I can’t install extension [Reload]
You should open dashboard of tampermonkey and then delete old version of mods. After that you may install updated version of our extension properly.
i want this game
auto heal is working
just the police work not minimap or auto heal
It has fixed again – 15/04/2017. Now it works.
doesnt work for me 🙁
do i have to do something else? or just install auto heal slithere?
You need to delete current version of your mods in your pc.
Then, you should install mods again from download link because updating system of mods does not provide automatic updating yet.
ok, with chrome it works fine. but with firefox it doesnt work^^
I am happy to hear that. Also, we will fix for firefox asap, thank you for info.
Çok çok iyi, oyunda 1. oldum ya xD
Hey!!!! The AutoHeal Do not work!!! PLEASE FIX IT!! FOR THE SAKE OF GOD!! PLEASE!! PEPS ARE KILLIN ME!!! Just I will Wait Ok???? just Be Fast…
It has fixed again – 15/04/2017. Now it works.
This mod is perfect thanks.
not work Auto Heal !!
It is working, check again please.
Auto heal and talking are working but i want to more thank you
It works some time, but it needs to be more stable version to play thx.
added hacks pls